There is a bit of an entry here.
For any of you who read my last entry, "Protection," you've no doubt caught a glimpse of what's been going on in my life (and the life of many others) this past week. Thankfully, the essay helped spur some conversation over the issue. From what I've seen, others in the community have been doing their fair share of contributing too. For example:
Porn star Madison Young: Making "safe" sexy">Porn star Madison Young: Making "safe" sexy
On a positive note, a non-profit organization called the Center for Inquiry will be publishing my essay, "Protection," in their upcoming newsletter. Their abbreviated mission statement is this:
"The mission of the Center for Inquiry is to foster a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values."
I was also invited this past weekend to speak/read at The League of Nations Lecture Series, a cocktail party/informative social event co-hosted by Johnny White.

Johnny and I

Here's a photo of my reading (so exciting, right? hah) taken by a friend, Ssippi.
A good group of friends showed up, all to whom I'm very thankful. And I also got to meet a number of very interesting new people, and hear some great live music by Bishop V. Spy.
And alas, my blog has been visited by the lovely "Louie," a commenter and assumed member of NARTH (National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality). If you would like to read his lengthy comments and my responses, please see my blog entry, "The Bi-Factor."
On that note, I just want to say that I welcome responses of all kinds, even if they differ in opinion from mine. Healthy debates remind me that not everyone I come in to contact with shares my world views. But if you wish to spam my comment section with your soapbox agenda, keep in mind that it actually makes you look worse to pretty much everyone who reads this. Further, if you make blanket, unfounded accusations against my friends and/or the communities I care about, you will no longer receive responses from me, and your privilege to debate on this forum will be revoked. I will not delete comments, because I believe it removes responsibility from those who preach unfounded, manipulative, and/or bigoted information. To put it bluntly, I want people to see how much of an idiot you are.
Anyways, my final address in this post is that I've taken the past week off to work on a separate writing assignment that has nothing to do with this blog. Hopefully next week I'll have another story or essay to post.
Thanks to everyone who reads this.
My best,
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