Sunday, November 28, 2010


Because of the holidays, because of the interviews I've done (and still need to do), because of work, and because of... really, this list could go on. The point is that I don't have a new story, or essay, to update with. So I'm posting videos.

First off, an adorable girl, who goes by @michelle_teacup on Twitter, posted this vlog (dedicated to yours truly). So I'm going to share it with you here. It's a nice little sex-positive rant. :)

Next up is a video of me reading my story, "The End of Submission," at The League of Nations Lecture Series. Johnny White, aka @johnny_cubert, was kind enough to tape and upload this to Vimeo. Not sure if the rest of it will go up. But for right now, enjoy staring at me read.

The League of Nations Lecture Series - Christopher Zeischegg from johnny cubert white on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Most Serious Blog Ever

A couple days ago, Wolf Hudson rode shotgun in my truck. Since my radio/cd player got jacked nearly two years ago, and I still haven't replaced it, I decided to demonstrate some of my vocal talents. Wolf posted this to Twitter:

"You DO NOT want to hear @dannywylde sing. Holy shit that's funny! LOL YIKES! It's like puberty all over again."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not A Story, But A Good One

So today was midterm election day here in the United States. Hope everyone got out and voted. :)

In other news, Good Vibrations, the friendliest, coolest, most amazing sex toy/dvd/whatever store on the web, has added me as one of their favorite performers. So I got to compile my own "top 40" list on their site. Please check it out. If you have any questions as to what movies I'm actually in, leave me a comment :).


Or just browse the site...

And if you hadn't already heard. I am now doing live cam shows on occasion. You can check me out here:


I'm not scheduling shows for right now, but there's an option on the site to get notified when I hop online. So stay tuned and we might get to have some fun together ;).