Monday, September 26, 2011

Teaser Clip

My new music project, Children, goes live in October. Here's a demo to tide you over. Video put together by my band-mate, Chad Alva.

CHILDREN "Other People" clip from Vin Vericose on Vimeo.


  1. I'm into it. Which must mean it's especially good, because this isn't the kind of music I normally listen to. Rock on. <3

  2. Danny, is the still frame from the film "Salo" or 120 days of Sodom?

  3. you know what, JD, I have no idea. Chad edited this. it's part of the video installation for our live show. i had no part in its creation so i can ask him. but i dont think he's seen Salo so i doubt it.

  4. Danny, it may be a "collage" of filtered scenes. It does appear to be possibly from a screen capture from "salo" I have the BFI blu-ray but it looks familiar, but I could be mistaken.
