Follow Wolf Hudson on Twitter and check out his Blog.
Danny: How long have you been in the industry?
Wolf: Four years.
Danny: During this time, you've taken on the title, The King of Kink. Did you decide to call yourself this?
Wolf: I didn't decide to call myself that, directly. I had a friend of mine call me that one day, and I thought it was a very catchy name. I named my blog The King of Kink. I was not directly calling myself that, but I guess it would designate me as The King of Kink. But it was one of those things where I put it up, and the media caught on to it. So it stuck.
Danny: Can you explain what this title means to you?
Wolf: Just everything that I've done on film. Not being afraid of certain genres. I express myself in ways that most people find very unnatural. I will do straight, I will do gay, I will do bi, I will do transgender, I will do kinky. Kink means many different things. It doesn't have to be just BDSM, which is the first thing that will pop into someone's head. It can be anything from fisting, to milk enemas, to water sports. So for me, kink is in reference to everything that I've done. It's about not being afraid to be dirty.
Danny: So it would be fair to say that you've performed in pornographic scenes that would be considered rough?
Wolf: Yes, for the most part. They've mostly been rough.
Danny: Okay, so can you give some examples of activities you've participated in that would be considered rough sex?
Wolf: I would say, not one of the roughest scenes that I've done, but a rough scene that I've done, would be a scene with Jesse Balboa. He's a fisting enthusiast that likes to receive. I had him in a cage, and I was teasing him with my cock. I was teasing him with toys. I made him fuck himself with giant toys. And I pretty much just started fisting him every which way in different positions. There was one part where I was able to lean back on the cage and have him jump up and down on my arm while he was jacking himself off to climax.
I think that's pretty extreme. It was a very dirty set, very grungy. I was wearing leather. I really gave it to this guy. I shoved it completely inside him, and he took it like a champ.
Danny: Have you ever felt like you performed in a scene in which you were degrading another performer?
Wolf: No. Because I know firsthand that the person I'm working with wants to be there and enjoys what they're doing. I love to talk to models before a shoot. I like to get into a kind of camaraderie. I like to set up chemistry with them. So I get an insight into what they're into; they're likes and dislikes. I get a sense that I'm not doing anything that's degrading. And if it is in any way offensive to them, I will stop. I will never push it to a point where they're uncomfortable. Because I will always have in my head their do's and don't's. And I will work around that. If I take it to any point past that, I'll stop. Because I want it to be enjoyable for both parties. I want to create something that's enjoyable for everybody else to watch.
Danny: Was there ever a point where you felt like you were ever degraded or taken advantage of during a scene?
Wolf: I've never felt degraded on film. But I've felt certain people have tried to take advantage of me. And I've called them out on it. I guess growing up in New York, I'm a little more streetwise than most people. I don't allow anybody to make a fool of me.
Danny: Can you give me an example of something somebody tried to do to you?
Wolf: They've tried to do something that I don't want. They specifically know that there are things I will not do. And they've tried to use that as a way of getting something out of me. They'll use that as collateral: “Well, if you don't do this...” Even though we've already scheduled a shoot, they know what I won't do, and they'll try to use that as a way to back stab me. “If you don't do this, then we're not gonna pay you,” you know. And I'm like, “Peace out.”
Danny: Would you say that's typical of your experience in the industry?
Wolf: Well, this was in the very beginning. I was very naive in the beginning. But I can suss out bullshit when it smells.
Every now and then, I'll come across people who want to take advantage of me. A certain company that I work for a lot; they found a certain vulnerability about me, and they tried to use it as a scene setup. I was not pleased with that. You know, I wished they would have asked my permission. I wish they would have asked if I was okay with it. But they just went ahead and did it. I could have said, “No.” But at that point, I said, “You know what? Maybe it will be a good thing.” It wasn't the best experience. But it really hasn't happened a lot. It was mostly when I started out that there were people who tried to take advantage of me.
Danny: But you've also been in submissive sexual situations on camera where you felt safe?
Wolf: Yes. Most of the time I've felt safe. I've never really felt uncomfortable. Except one time. And that's going back to what we just finished talking about.
Danny: Would you say you were ever in sexual, submissive positions on camera where you actually felt empowered?
Wolf: Yes. The thing with me is that I don't bottom in my personal life. I'm not really that submissive. When I do it on film, I expect a lot from a woman. I want her to completely take over me. And once a person can take over, I feel very righteous as a bottom. I can take so much more. It becomes a challenge. I wouldn't say that I'm trying to gain authority over my dominant, but I'm trying to show them that I can do it. “You managed to empower me. Now, I'm going to show you what I can do.” You know what I mean?
Danny: What is your opinion on drugs and alcohol on set? Do you think a performer who has had a few drinks or is under the influence of marijuana can perform with informed consent?
Wolf: I cannot speak for that person. I personally don't do drugs. I do not drink on set. I will have an occasional drink when I'm out with friends. When I go to set, I expect to find a certain level of professionalism with every single individual who's working. That would include a model. The last thing I would want is a model to be intoxicated, or under the influence of any narcotic, including Marijuana. I do not have a problem with Marijuana use outside. If people want to smoke Marijuana in their personal life for recreational reasons, that's totally fine by me. On film, I expect a certain level of professionalism. I would want everyone to be in the same mind frame.
Danny: Have you witnessed a performer sent home for drug or alcohol use on set?
Wolf: Yes. Surprisingly, I have. This was a couple years ago. The person was completely high on Meth. They were jittery, just being erratic, sweating profusely, and could not get their dick hard. I was not in the scene, but I saw the scene going on. This person could not perform, and I heard the director say, “If you ever want to work for me again, don't you ever come on my set high on drugs.” I have seen other people high on set, but never kicked off. I think they were able to hide it a little bit more. But I can tell when someone is high. It's not that difficult.
Danny: How prevalent do you think heavier drug use is on set? Opiates, Cocaine, etc...?
Wolf: I've been fortunate. I have not seen it that much. I've seen a few bad apples. I've been very lucky with a lot of the people that I've worked with. They've been beyond professional. I've just seen a few bad apples. And it happens. But it's not really common.
Danny: Aside from BDSM porn, do you see a difference in the way hardcore porn treats submissive men in gay porn versus women in straight porn? Are there equivalents of face fucking videos or non-BDSM scenarios where the bottom is repeatedly slapped around and referred to by derogatory names?
Wolf: I don't really watch gay porn. I've seen trailers, specifically if there's a big budget movie, or for instance, for Kink.com - I go to see the updates on Bound Gods. Generally, what I've noticed is that there is a slight difference. There is much more passion between a male dom and a male sub as opposed to a straight scene with a female sub. A female sub seems to be more degraded, like she is worthless. I never get the sense that the guy really cares as much. That's his fuck toy, that's his little rag doll. There have been some exceptions. I will say James Deen is really good about that. He has passion, plus aggressiveness. Not to the point where he's really degrading the girl. But in gay porn I see more... more passion. There's much more love.
Danny: Do you ever enjoy being called a cunt, whore, slut, bitch, or any other derogatory name during sex?
Wolf: Half those words I've never been called. As a submissive, I don't mind being called a bitch. I don't mind being called those other words either. The only word I ever had a problem with is faggot. I refuse to have anybody say that. And I refuse to call anybody else a faggot.
Danny: Why do you feel like that term in particular is a problem for you?
Wolf: Because it's being used in a negative manner on film. It's being used to say that, “This person is a sissy or this person is gay.” And they're making the assumption that being gay is bad. And I will not have anything to do with degrading someone to that extent. Even if the person wants it. To me, it's the same as the N-word. I will never call anybody the N-word.
Danny: But if somebody calls you a bitch, why do you think that's more acceptable?
Wolf: It's not specifically singling out a group of people. Bitch can be used to refer to a woman. But, for the most part, I believe it can be used in a manner that is comfortable. If somebody calls me a bitch, they're not calling me a woman. They're not saying it in a negative manner. When somebody calls me a faggot, it's being used in a negative manner. It's being said that, “Oh, you are like a gay person. And being gay is bad.”
Danny: On most gay porn sets, condom use is mandatory. Do you think on straight porn sets, condoms should be presented as a choice, even if performers don't ask for them?
Wolf: I personally would like all sets to have condoms. I have no problems with condoms. In my personal life, I fuck with condoms. To me, it's not a problem. But I also live in the real world, and that's not how it works. But I also feel that if the industry, specifically the straight porn industry, wants to shoot their product bareback, they should still give a model the option use condoms. And if the person says, “I want to use a condom,” they shouldn't be punished for that – meaning, they shouldn't be excluded from a shoot because of it. I would like to see condoms on set. That's just me.
Whenever I'm on a shoot, and they say it's a condom-only set, I'm totally down for that. I never take offense to it at all. I encourage it.
Danny: Aside from the financial ramifications and the potential for the porn industry to move somewhere else, do you see any negative factors associated with using condoms on porn sets?
Wolf: Well, I've heard through the grapevine that some guys can't perform with a condom. There are girls that are allergic to latex condoms. There are alternatives to that. But some people just don't find it comfortable. They feel that even though it's safe, it will still break, so what's the point? I think condoms are great. I mean, yes, the feeling of sexual intercourse without a condom feels great. But I like wearing condoms. I have no problems with it.
Danny: Are there any sexual acts you believe should not be performed on camera?
Wolf: Scat porn. There are people who are into that. I think it's crossing the line a bit, health-wise. I mean, I believe everything should be done if it's not hurting anybody. I don't believe scat porn is healthy in any way, shape or form.
Incest. Anything like child pornography, snuff films, rape scenes, and yeah...
With rape scenes, if it's a fantasy, and everything's consensual, of course. But if it's out there, and it is a rape scene, I don't condone that.
Danny: There are companies out there that interview models for purposes of consent. Do you think this has any effect on the actual scene?
Wolf: I don't think so. I treat it as just regular conversation. I do the same before a shoot. I talk with the models. I try to find a connection. There just happens to be no camera in front of us. So I think, in a way, that's the same thing. I don't think it changes the dynamic at all.
Well, once we're on film, everything changes. I block out crew, I block out camera. I just focus on the person I'm working with.
Danny: Do you think the interviews are important for consumers?
Wolf: Absolutely. Specifically, to secure themselves against the government. The government is looking at it like, “Is this consensual or not?” These interviews are vital to make sure that everybody is on board, nobody's intoxicated, nobody's high, and that it's consensual. I have no problems with it. I think it's totally appropriate to do that.
I think that if it were to be on regular mainstream movies, it would be fine. The portrayal so far is that a lot of girls are being taken advantage of on film. And to some degree, that's the case. But only if they allow it to be, only if they're really naive about certain things. You know, if they don't take the time to do their research. If they don't take the time to really think about what's going on, then they're as much at fault for being taken advantage of. So I think these type of clips are totally appropriate, and should be done. It gives everybody the assurance that everybody who's working wants to be there.
And I think it makes it a lot more hot for the consumer. Because now, when they see the pre-interview, they go, “Oh, wow, these guys really want to work together. I can't wait to see what's going on.” And after that, they get to talk about their experiences. It adds another layer of excitement.
Danny: Without something like an interview, do you think a consumer should just assume that everyone on camera is performing of their own free will and providing full consent, and so forth?
Wolf: To a certain extent, you have to assume that every model is comfortable because they're doing a film, and they're doing it multiple times. You would have to assume. You can't really be a big brother to every single person and see what's going on. You would have to assume they're comfortable with it. If they're not, they should not be doing it. I don't think it's up to the consumer to feel responsible. But I do feel that it's our responsibility to educate the consumer and make sure that what they're watching is something that's good, something that's healthy, and something that's not harmful. Because what we put out there definitely has an impact on people's perception of sexuality.
Danny: Take for example, a staged rape scenario between two models you've never met. Is there anything other than an interview stating explicit consent that would make you feel comfortable watching it?
Wolf: If you're definitely going to depict something that's rough... If you want to make something that's edgy, and push buttons, I think it's your responsibility to put a disclaimer and let the consumer know that the models participating in the scene are comfortable with what's going on, and that they want to be there.
Realistically, the consumer wants to watch a fantasy. They want to watch porn. They're going to assume the person who's doing it wants to be there. If the studio wants to produce that type of content, they should take the responsibility and put a disclaimer or something that says, “These guys want to be here.”
Hmmm...this was really thought provoking for me and makes me want to ask more questions of him in particular. I agree with a lot of what's been said, but I also feel compelled to point out a couple things - mostly about assumption and name-calling.
ReplyDeleteWhile I do agree to a certain extent that performers who are there want to be there, assumptions can be a slippery slope, and unfortunately, in my experiences, people can be pretty damn stupid sometimes, taking things solely at face value and not considering anything else. Making everything almost ridiculously clear is kind of like "idiot insurance" to me. Especially when it comes to more explicit fantasy scenarios or stuff like the face fucking videos.
Which brings me to another point. Pornography can and does have a strong impact and impression of sexuality and how things should be done to the person who's watching it, especially if they're younger and a bit more "green" to sexuality outside of health class. I don't object to most pornography, but things like, for example, face fucking videos where girls are choking on their own spit, gagging, and being goaded by the, uh, face fucker for lack of a better term. While it does have it's niche and some do enjoy it very much, I do recognize the possibility that someone who's younger and with less experience sexually might take it strictly at face value and believe that all women enjoy giving that kind of blowjob. Yes, it's stupid to think that someone could take it that literally, but hey, like I said, "Idiot insurance".
Lastly, I guess I was a little confused about why bitch is more okay and not as negative than other terms. It's probably a gender and preference thing, but most of the times I've seen people being called a bitch and had it directed at me, it's always been used as an insult outside of play. Which affects how it's used, if at all, in play. But, like I said, it's probably mostly a gender/preference thing and a lot of it just depends. Heh, I guess I was a little put off by it, but whatever, I'm not Wolf and Wolf's not me. :P He's still a cool guy. :)
Thanks again for putting these up, I can't wait to read more! It's nice to see interviews like this that aren't solely for, like, the sake of pushing a DVD or whatever. This is great! :D
Hey Amanda,
ReplyDeleteGlad you're enjoying these, or at least find them interesting.
I understand where you're coming from with the "idiot insurance" thing. The counter-argument, I think, is that this is a form of entertainment. So should it be held to higher standards than other forms of entertainment that may also show rough, violent, or other extreme acts?
As for the bitch remark. Part of why I ask that question is to see what each person's individual response is to certain words, or to derogatory words in general. You'll see, in one of the upcoming interviews, a completely different take on the word bitch. So I think those contrasts, in and of themselves, are very interesting. It just goes to show the subjective nature of words and how they're used or interpreted.
Very true on both points. Porn is a form of entertainment for sure, and a touchy subject for many. It is different than much of the mass media consumed today, though, in that the boundary between the viewer and the movie is more blurred and fuzzy - vignette and compilation videos break the fourth wall more often than "traditional" movies. Also, there aren't many movies playing at the theaters that show actual penetration and are built solely around the act of sex, and, of course, the risk of the performers involved for STIs. So, yeah, I think higher standards should be at least encouraged/thought of for pornography.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm looking forward to reading aforementioned interview, sounds interesting! :)